Caleb's father's pants are way too tight in my opinion. I feel stumbled by this, so I'm emailing Anthony Morris III right now.
Calebs Airplane
JoinedPosts by Calebs Airplane
Caleb and Sophia visit Bethel for the last time - Photo Gallery
by processor in.
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Are we starting to treat DF people differently?
by Quarterback insome may remember the time when the private study edition of the wt wasn't to be made available to outsiders, and the df'd.. now, with the recent boe letter, sept 1, 2014, it specifically states that is making the km available even for df'd individuals.. do you sense a new trend developing?.
Calebs Airplane
I remember when the "Our Kingdom Ministry" was distributed only to REGULAR baptized publishers. Then they allowed IRREGULAR baptized publishers and Un-Baptized REGULAR publishers to get a copy around the early 80's. I was a child and found it completely childish.
"Jehovah Knows Those Who Belong to Him"
by lambsbottom inseptember 1-7, 2014 watchtower (wt) study.
"jehovah knows those who belong to him".
i printed out the next study edition of the wt, which will be used this coming week.
WT Mar 15th 2012 - 144,000 no longer a literal number?
by dozy inreading idly through this magazine , i read the study article "rejoicing in our hope" which discusses the two "hopes" according to the wtbts ie heaven & earth.. a couple of points were of interest:.
(1) absolutely no mention at all of the 144,000 or rev 14. usually an article like this would be filled with references , but it isn't even mentioned.
it does discuss the "limited number" , but only in contrast with the "no man can number" great crowd.. (2) a much more laid back attitude towards the two hopes.
Calebs Airplane
Maybe the change will be at this year's annual meeting...
Your views and ideas on forum areas and organization?
by Simon inthis may come as a shock to some people, but the current forum structure was kind of thrown together without much real thought and then evolved a bit over time.
there are a few things that particularly grate on me and areas where i don't think the subjects work particularly well.
'friends' is a bit vague and becomes a dumping ground, news & world events vs politics & current affairs is hard to decide sometimes, child abuse is a scandal but isn't contained withing 'scandals & coverups' etc.... with a new forum platform imminent, it's a good time to solicit ideas to improve things.
by DATA-DOG inaugust 31, 2014, the end of the greatest month of preaching in human history!!
with much hard work and planning, and with jeehoober's blessing, i was able to reach my goal!!
i skipped the entire "uber-special campaign" of advertising for the governing popes!!
You ought to know positively the appearance of your flock
by leaving_quietly inthis famous line from proverbs 27:23 (in the old nwt) is used for elders and the organization to justify field service reports.
but, what is this verse talking about?
is it about overseers in the congregation?
Letter of Reinstatement
by kayanow ini'm new to this website and i thought i'd create a profile.
i was disfellowshipped in july of 2013 in another city.
i since moved and starting going to meeting about 6 months ago in my new city.
The Very Latest Candace Conti vs. The Watchtower News
by God_Delusion inwe all saw this coming -
An important message from a PRACTICING Jehovah's witness
by Sparks inhi, i am also a practicing jehovah's witness and very proud of it,to say the very-very least..!
i am a middle-aged man with many decades of being a witness of jehovah god in england.. this important letter is personally to you, just as many of the bible's 88 letters are to be taken personal by you the reader.
i am writing to you to urge you to take stock of your life, think what your future holds for you.
Calebs Airplane
On behalf of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, we interrupt this thread to deliver the following theocratic message the opening poster:
"What is involved in avoiding false teachers? We do not receive them into our homes or greet them. We also refuse to read their literature, watch TV programs that feature them, examine their Web sites, or add our comments to their blogs." - Watchtower, July 15, 2011 page 16 paragraph 7